Sunday, January 13, 2008

Back in the old routine

This weekend was the first one back in the old (sports) routine.
Steve had a friendly (i.e. non-competition) football game at 09:30 . It was rainy windy and generally miserable. Not a bad game - though they lost 2-3. Steve spent most of the 2nd half being very cold. So it was hot bathes for us when we got home - just to thaw out.
Later in the afternoon off to water polo with Chris (I brought Robin along too as we're trying to get him interested in the sport too - we think it might be better for him than water polo). They won 8-1 - Chris made a couple of goals as well as some key assists.
Robs has no football for 3 weeks due to cancellation of a series of friendlies.


Grandma said...

Good to catch up with you and the boys - especially seeing the photos.

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